Thursday, January 13, 2011

Does a guy have to make more money than the woman he is dating?

Many people say especially for folks that are very or just old fashion a man must make more than the woman he is dating. In my eyes no, a man does not have to make more money than the woman he is dating. In most cases it is a pride issue for the man and in the eyes of the woman's parents it is a disapointment. So, in our modern day and economy does a man have to make more than the woman he is dating?


  1. NO! There is no rule or regulation stating that the man *should* make more money than the woman. Granted, I feel like he should *want* to make enough money to support him and his family but regardless, I think it's perfectly fine for a woman to make more money than her man.

    Love is supposed to be unconditional. The woman will love the man whether he makes money, does not make money, or does not make enough money. When you love someone, you love them in their entirety--even with their financial shortcomings. Money shouldn't determine the outcome in a relationship. But that's just me.

    Anyway, a relationship is between those two people, so anyone outside--like thoughtful but meddling family members--don't get to determine what goes on in a relationship between two adults.

  2. Thank you! I agree, but society still hasn't exactly grasp the idea of a woman making more than her man. But if the man is just bumming around and not excelling himself for the better that would be a huge problem(as for both genders). But as a human being I believe we (male and females) all fight to survive and should strive for the better to build stable foundation for the ourselves and family.

    Back to love...I choose love over money, money can land in the hands of anyone, it is something everyone could work for to obtain. But love isn't something everyone can have even if they search high and low for it.
